
Brief Introduction

Please let us introduce ourselves.

PT DAKSA - Brief IntroductionPT DAKSA - Brief Introduction

DAKSA provide a very wide variety of technology and solution to improve quality of your business and services to your costumer.

We are ready to providing outstanding technology to enable your business become more competitive, more efficient and more productive.

Our service are very suitable to applied in financial industry such as Banking, Multi Finance, Insurance and payment solution industry such as Electronic Transaction Provider and Retail Disbursement/Collection Business.

Trusted Nationwide

Our products have been used in some of best-known companies, institutions, and organizations. Nationwide.

Just to mention a few.

  • Bank QNB Indonesia - DAKSA Clients
  • Bosowa - DAKSA Clients
  • BPR Lestari - DAKSA Clients
  • Bank KB Bukopin - DAKSA Clients
  • Bank Jogja - DAKSA Clients
  • Bank Mega Syariah - DAKSA Clients
  • Angkasa Pura 2 - DAKSA Clients
  • Bank BDE Jogja - DAKSA Clients
  • KBRI Brussels - DAKSA Clients
  • SKA Mall - DAKSA Clients
  • PSM Makassar - DAKSA Clients
  • Bank Boyolali - DAKSA Clients
  • Bank Gunung Slamet - DAKSA Clients
  • Bank Jombang - DAKSA Clients
  • Bank Purworejo - DAKSA Clients
  • Hartono Mall Solo & Yogyakarta - DAKSA Clients
  • Ikatan Motor Indonesia - DAKSA Clients

Logos and trademarks are property of their respective owners. These companies do not endorse PT DAKSA or its products in any way.

Our Expertise

We deliver the solutions to any kind of platform you need.

Web Enterprise Apps

We are using state-of-the-art web technologies, we design and code next-level web-based applications that will fit all of your company’s needs.

Mobile Apps

Our team builds beautiful mobile apps (written in both native Objective C/Swift, Java, or cross-platform React Native).

Desktop Apps

No matter what your platform is, we are able to deliver a cross-platform desktop apps.


We develop bulletproof APIs, sockets, and databases. 100% reliable, scalable, and high-performing.

Our Track Records

The number says it all. And it keeps growing and growing.

The excellent services when offering the right solution is the foundation of our ethical work. That is where we put our reputation on.

We analyze your needs. Offering solution. Then, execute it as a product that fits in.

PT DAKSA - Track Records PT DAKSA - Track Records
  • Clientsin the last 6 years.

  • Projectswe have delivered.

  • Productsbuilt from the ground up.

Let's Have a Talk

So we can learn more about you and your needs.

PT DAKSA - Contact UsPT DAKSA - Contact Us

We are glad if we can help enhance your business.

Get in touch

Our Latest Works

Just a little showcase of what we are working on.

Bank Jogja - Loket Bank Jogja
Bank OCBC NISP - Personal Loan Agent
Adiwisista - Peer-to-Peer Lending
PSM Makassar - Official Fan Club Mobile App